Mission and Vision
Salem's Mission is sharing Christ and Growing Disciples.
At Salem, we follow the "Great Commission" of Matthew 28 as we demonstrate the life and love of Jesus. We worship together, encourage on another, serve together, grow together, and develop life long relationships.We believe...That the Bible to be the inerrant, and inspired Word of God. Jesus, the Son of God, is a personal Savior who has redeemed us and gives us life with God. We also believe that through faith in Jesus we experience forgiveness, the abundant life, and eternal salvation. Through Baptism and the Lord's Supper, the Holy Spirit creates and nourishes our faith and gives each of us gifts to be used to serve the Lord. And because Christ's death and resurrection paid the penalty of our sins, we are His own, live with Him in His Kingdom and serve Him with our lives in our families, through our vocations, our schools and our communities.
Join us for Worship:
Sunday School (1st and 3rd Sunday) 9am
Sunday Service 9:30am
Sunday Adult Bible Study 10:45am
Thursday Adult Bible Study 10:30am
Church Office Hours:
M-F 9:30a-2:30p
(Closed Mondays Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Guests are always welcome at all Worship Services and Bible Studies!
If you are interested in becoming a member please contact the office at (708)-798-1820